When Does Michigann St Play Again

Michigan Land has always done a good job at testing themselves with a potent and exciting schedule both in and out of the conference. That trend won't be changing anytime soon with the Spartans boasting plenty of challenging and intriguing match-ups over the next 10 seasons.

Let's accept a look at some of the future schedules and opponents Michigan State will play, starting with the 2021 season and ending with 2032.

Annotation: These schedules and opponents are tentatively scheduled and could modify

Joe Nicholson/USA TODAY Sports

Sept. 3 – Western Michigan

Sept. x – Akron

Sept. 17 – at Washington

Sept. 24 – Ohio Country

October. ane – at Illinois

Oct. eight – Wisconsin

October. 22 – Michigan

Oct. 29 – at Penn State

Nov. 5 – Minnesota

Nov. 12 – Rutgers

Nov. 19 – at Indiana

Nov. 26 – at Maryland

Jennifer Buchanan/USA TODAY Sports

Sept. two – Central Michigan

Sept. 9 – Richmond

Sept. 16 – Washington

Sept. 23 – Maryland

Oct. seven – at Michigan

October. 14 – Penn State

Oct. 21 – at Iowa

Oct. 28 – at Minnesota

Nov. 4 – Indiana

Nov. eleven – at Ohio State

Nov. 18 – Nebraska

Nov. 25 – at Rutgers

Paul Rutherford/USA TODAY Sports

Aug. 31 – Florida Atlantic

Sept. xiv – Louisana

Sept. 21 – at Boston College

Sept. 28 – at Maryland

Oct. 5 – Minnesota

Oct. 12 – Northwestern

Oct. 19 – at Indiana

Oct. 26 – at Purdue

November. ii – Michigan

Nov. xvi – Rutgers

Nov. 23 – Ohio State

Nov. thirty – at Penn State

*I non-conference opponent notwithstanding needs to be added to complete the schedule

Sam Greenwood/Getty Images

Aug. 30 – Western Michigan

Sept. vi – Youngstown State

Sept. xx – Boston College

Sept. 27 – at Minnesota

October. eleven – at Michigan

October. 18 – Indiana

Oct. 25 – at Wisconsin

Nov. ane – Maryland

Nov. viii – Illinois

Nov. 15 – at Rutgers

Nov. 22 – at Ohio State

November. 29 – Penn Land

Matt Cashore/The states TODAY Sports

Non-Conference: Toledo (Sept. v), Eastern Michigan (Sept. 12), and at Notre Dame (Date is TBA).

Large Ten: Indiana (Engagement is TBA), Maryland (Engagement is TBA), Michigan (Date is TBA), Ohio Land (Appointment is TBA), Penn State (Date is TBA), Rutgers (Date is TBA) and three other Big Ten W Division teams

Mike Carter/USA TODAY Sports

Non-Conference: Notre Dame (Date is TBA), Central Michigan (Sept. 11) and i additional team

Big Ten: Indiana (Date is TBA), Maryland (Engagement is TBA), Michigan (Appointment is TBA), Ohio State (Date is TBA), Penn Country (Date is TBA), Rutgers (Date is TBA) and iii other Large Ten West Sectionalisation teams

Nick King/Lansing State Journal

Nick Rex/Lansing Country Journal

Non-Conference: 3 unknown opponents at this time

Big Ten: Indiana (Date is TBA), Maryland (Appointment is TBA), Michigan (Appointment is TBA), Ohio State (Engagement is TBA), Penn State (Date is TBA), Rutgers (Date is TBA) and three other Big Ten West Partition teams

Raj Mehta/Us TODAY Sports

Not-Conference: Oregon (Sept. eight) and two additional teams

Big X: Indiana (Date is TBA), Maryland (Date is TBA), Michigan (Date is TBA), Ohio State (Date is TBA), Penn State (Date is TBA), Rutgers (Date is TBA) and 3 other Big Ten Due west Division teams

Scott Olmos/USA TODAY Sports

Non-Conference: Primal Michigan (Aug. 31), at Oregon (Sept. 7) and one additional team

Big Ten: Indiana (Appointment is TBA), Maryland (Date is TBA), Michigan (Date is TBA), Ohio State (Date is TBA), Penn State (Engagement is TBA), Rutgers (Appointment is TBA) and three other Big Ten W Segmentation teams

Mike Carter/Us TODAY Sports

Non-Conference: three unknown opponents at this time

Big Ten: Indiana (Appointment is TBA), Maryland (Date is TBA), Michigan (Appointment is TBA), Ohio State (Appointment is TBA), Penn State (Date is TBA), Rutgers (Appointment is TBA) and three other Big X Due west Division teams

Jeff Swinger/Us TODAY Sports

Non-Briefing: at BYU (Sept. xi) and two additional teams

Big Ten: Indiana (Appointment is TBA), Maryland (Date is TBA), Michigan (Date is TBA), Ohio State (Date is TBA), Penn Country (Date is TBA), Rutgers (Date is TBA) and iii other Big Ten Due west Division teams


Source: https://spartanswire.usatoday.com/lists/michigan-state-football-future-schedules-and-opponents/

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